
A Certain Bent Appeal is the brain child of Bronwyn Kienapple, a 33-year-old writer and world traveler.

I worked in online marketing at a major book publisher before quitting to travel. I intended to teach English for 3 months in Mexico City and then backpack around South America.

Instead, I met my future husband my second day in Mexico City! We fell in love and I decided to move there and write full time.

Thankfully, my husband Miguel also loves to travel. We backpacked in Southeast Asia for 6 months, took trips to Canada and New York, and traveled around southern Mexico. I also took a 6-week trip through Central America.

My husband and I are now living in Toronto, Canada with our fat gray cat Mixtli. Our travel plans are on hold thanks to immigration proceedings (*sob*). I'm blogging about transitioning back from the expat lifestyle, sponsoring your spouse, and Canadian travel tips. And dreaming about the day I can book an international flight again!

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1 comment:

Admin said...

That's a way cool photo.


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